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Light and Dark

Sometimes it gets dark too.
Sometimes it plummets, changes suddenly,
Seems to twist cruelly.
We hold onto each other tightly.

Cracks and holes appear in the ice.
I feel afraid,
And all I can see is down, dark.
You take my hand and together
We walk around them carefully,
On towards the light.

For you are the magical and the everyday in my life,
The vital second piece of my soul.
Sometimes we may look down together, into the dark,
But mostly we look up, up,
Up into dizzy clouds of joy.
Joy not from achievements, or things, or anything I can name except love.

You make the night a little shorter,
The day a hundred times brighter.
Your magic and my magic fit together,
And together is how we work through life:
How we walk, dance, stumble, sing;
How we look around us at beauty, are still, are alive.

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